About Zutora

Zutora has been active in industrial software development, liquid measurements, process control and automation since 2014. We accumulated decades of experience in the sugar industry, especially with the crystallization process. Our solutions help dozens of sugar manufacturers around the World to make better products in a more efficient process.


It all started in 1998 when Dr. Lajos Rózsa, grandfather of Zutora co-founder and CEO Jakab Rózsa developed the novel SeedMaster device. This was the first instrument in the World, that could provide a reliable online supersaturation signal. Dr. Rózsa realized, that supersaturation was too important a parameter to be left neglected. After the international success of SeedMaster, Dr. Rózsa strengthened the ties with K-Patents and worked on further perfecting sugar crystallization control. In 2014 Dr. Lajos and Jakab Rózsa founded Zutora – a company that provides liquid measurement instruments in Hungary and innovative technology to the worldwide sugar industry. Later, Dr. Lajos Rózsa retired from Zutora.

Starting from 2016, a new team has been built in the company: Péter, Barna, Gergő and Jakab offer industrial software development, automation, and process control services to Zutora’s clients. We cooperate with Vaisala in the development of their new instruments and work on our own products as well. In 2021 we introduced SeedMaster-4, which implements the latest technology in supersaturation calculation and crystallization control. We are proud to have a global partnership with Vaisala in the sugar industry.


Zutora becomes the exclusive distributor of the Finnish company K-Patents, global market leader in process refractometer manufacturing.


K-Patents introduces SeedMaster-3, a unique crystallization transmitter, developed by Zutora. This instrument is used by several sugar manufacturers around the World.


Zutora and K-Patents signs a new development agreement. Our team is constantly involved in the development of the new instruments of the Finnish company.



K-Patents launches the Fieldbus Converter product, developed by Zutora. This enables connecting the Finnish company’s refractometers to the most important industrial data networks.


Zutora starts a new R&D project together with Szelence Ipari Megoldások Kft, to develop a novel method and control system for adaptive tank cleaning


K-Patents joins forces with Finnish industry giant Vaisala. From now on, Zutora is the Hungarian representative and R&D partner of Vaisala.



We implement a successful project in Turkey for the supersaturation-based control of industrial scale lactose crystallization.


Zutora introduces and starts exporting SeedMaster-4, our brand-new crystallization transmitter. We sign a global partnership with Vaisala in the sugar industry.